Erasing the Stigma

Greetings HLAA-LA’ers!

The video presentation is at the link below regarding understanding and erasing the stigma of hearing loss.

This is directed toward those who sell hearing aids BUT it has tremendous relevance to all of us who use HA’s or CI’s.  The images and attitudes he speaks of, are the same ones we all carry inside –the ‘self-stigmatizing” that we do to ourselves. A word of warning — it is over an hour long — and some of the most critical info is near the end — but you really need to see the whole thing to understand the concepts entirely.  Understanding these concepts has a lot to do with understanding ourselves and our relationship to the devices that correct our hearing range issues.

“Shaping attitudes and creating trusting communications
Understanding how attitudes can be shaped is key to increasing hearing aid adoption. Learn how to identify – and avoid – the words and messages commonly used by the industry that reinforce negative attitudes, and discover powerful principles and methods you can begin using immediately to increase the likelihood of someone saying “yes” to hearing aids.

Watch Curtis Alcock’s presentation on best practices in counselling and communication:

This presentation was recorded at Oticon’s 5th International Conference in Copenhagen.”