“Can We Build an Internet That Includes the Hearing Impaired?”

This was also posted on our Facebook page. Good article that I think many of us can relate to!


Also to note. Things are looking up. The FCC Has a brand new committee, called The Disability Advisory Committee, with two of our people on it. Richard Ray from Los Angeles and Lise Hamlin from National HLAA. Richard Ray will be speaking soon to our chapter so a wish list for him would be nice!

February 2015 Newsletter

Hi everyone. Click here to see the February newsletter.

Hope to see many of you at the February 28th chapter meeting. We will have a rap session on the stigma of hearing loss. We hope it will be a lively discussion!

As always, we’ll have coffee and refreshments, and the meeting will be captioned and looped.

Have a great week and see you Saturday!

Ken Cluskey Chosen for Hard of Hearing Consumer Representative of TADDAC

From Katherine Burns

We have one more announcement of another member’s wonderful achievement. Ken Cluskey was chosen for the position of Hard of Hearing Consumer Representative for TADDAC (Telecommunications Access for the Deaf and Disabled Administrative Committee). This is the committee that advises the California Public Utilities Commission on programs and services for the deaf, hard of hearing, and other disabled. Several people applied, including me, so it says a lot about Ken that he was chosen.

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