HLAA National Convention

HLAA hosts the HLAA Convention 2016 and the International Federation of Hard of Hearing People (IFHOH) Congress – June 23 to 26 in Washington D.C.! » Read more
HLAA hosts the HLAA Convention 2016 and the International Federation of Hard of Hearing People (IFHOH) Congress – June 23 to 26 in Washington D.C.! » Read more
The HLAA Walk4Hearing began in 2006 with just 6 walks and a dream of raising awareness for the hearing loss community. Ten years later, 22 walks around the country have made HLAA’s Walk4Hearing one of the largest fundraising events for people with hearing loss. Besides funds, the walks bring much-needed visibility to an often invisible condition. Please join other Southern Californians as we walk for the common goal of raising funds and awareness to the hearing loss community. » Read more
Our 11th annual HLAA-LA party was held on 12/13/15 at the beautiful Moorpark home of our hostess Nancy Mullen Gray. We so appreciate your warm hospitality. Thank you.
It was a wonderful evening of shared food, drink, conversation and laughs with good friends. How great is it to socialize with others who “get it”?
Check out the pictures of our always hilarious White Elephant gift exchange . You really never know what you’ll end up taking home with you!